Good evening some of you maybe aware the market experience a painful sell off. Emerging markets was the full focus such as Turkey, Argentina and China also took the blame for the market sell off. I never knew Turkey and Argentina would have such a major impact to global markets. No disrespect to Argentina and Turkey but GDP wise it is pretty small and insignificant. A slow down in China's GDP growth of 7% is pretty silly I say. The US media hasn't helped either with all the negative press that has been printed. Speaking of printing, we all the know world's central banks are printing. Despite what you heard about the US Federal Reserve tapering $10 billion per month, the central bank is still printing, ECB, Bank of Japan, Bank of China and others are still printing yet there is a deflation scare in the market.
Times as such as these is not went to panic but to take advantage. As Warren Buffet has said and forgive me for paraphasing his words; tread when others fear, especially when there is blood in the streets. This article that I found on CNBC's interview with Jim Boogle discusses Benjamin Franklin advice on savings.