Traits of Millionaires

I read an article on CNBC titled Money and Rich: The Highly Effective Habits of Millionaires. It struck me at how simple and easily adoptable these traits can be. I will rehash this article. If you are interest just click the link and read it for yourself.

The rich share many common traits. One such trait is optimism. No matter what the economic situation is currently they see opportunity. They don't see doom and gloom. If there outlook is negative they prepare for it so that negative outcome because a positive one. They always have an eye on the prize. Will take the necessary steps in order to achieve it. They prioritize their life so they have the time and energy to focus on being successful.

Impulse control is another trait the rich share in common. The rich don't blow all their money on video games, Star Buck Coffees, expensive dinners and the bar. Their priority is either to pay down debt, start business or invest in them, and buy stocks. Wow makes investments in a capital society! What a revelation!

Rarely will a rich person blame someone else for their own failure. What a rich person does is take responsibility for their own actions. The rich analyzes what happened that caused failure. They will ask what and how, not who. Some of us who aren't rich or successful will point their finger at someone else, blame the government and the rich themselves for causing their failure.

Another trait in common amongst the rich is learning. In their spare free time the rich read, learn new skills and apply 100% of their energy in learning. Bill Gates in his teenage years was sneaking out of his house at night so he could learn about a new technology called the personal computer. What do our teenagers do today? Watch shows like Jersey Shore, where they emulate the very losers on that show. I take that back, the Jersey Shore participants are successful losers haha. They're to busy listening to Lady Gaga, Jay Z and other pop icons who pretend to be one of them. However these performers are making millions off them. Steve Jobs with pancreatic cancer is working hard to makes Apple the great company on earth. Do you think Steve Jobs watches the Jersey Shore?

I hate to break this to you, there are people out there especially in the emerging world who don't give a shit about what car your drive, the home you live in, if you own an iPad or iPhone, and the clothes you wear. They care about becoming rich and will do whatever it takes to beat you. You better be ready because you will be left behind.
