Things That May Disappear In The Next 20 Years

Had a conversation at an investment conference regarding artificial intelligence, robotics and automation.  Since that conversation I started to think about what might disappear in the next 20 years.

Please feel free to comment.  Thanks! 

  1. Bus, cab and truck drivers
  2. CDs and DVDs
  3. Coins as a medium of exchange
  4. Cashiers
  5. Seamstress
  6. Financial advisers such as stock brokers
  7. Wall Street Traders
  8. Newspapers and magazines in print form
  9. Pilots
  10. Military Tank operators
  11. General Family Doctor
  12. Car salesman
  13. Microwave
  14. Most construction jobs
  15. Tigers and Rhinos in the wild
  16. Answering machines
  17. Nielsen Ratings 
  18. Analog TV, analog radios
  19. Phone modems
  20. Getting lost
  21. Baldness
  22. Hemophilia
  23. Blindness and Deafness
  24. Chemotherapy
  25. Most genetic diseases
  26. Diabetics
  27. Coronary bypass
  28. Real Estate Agents
  29. Token Both Clerks
  30. Toll Collectors
  31. School Bus driver
  32. Investment Research Analysts
  33. Highway Traffic from congestion
  34. Military drivers
  35. Naval and maritime navigators
  36. Closed Governments/Societies
  37. Wired headphones
  38. Wired phone chargers
  39. Spinning hard drives
  40. Board games
  41. One size fits all or standard clothing sizes such large, medium and small
