The events Egypt have been turned for the worst. I just hope the violence will end and the people get what the really want. I rarely become political or talk politics but the people of Egypt have had enough. A society cannot function properly when the people are not heard. When you hold fake free elections when one person constantly wins. When a group holds the vast majority of the nation's wealth and its power. When the laws and rules benefit just one group. These have a tendency to make people very angry then rioting and violence will ensue.
This story has played a million times throughout history. The American revolution when the colonists had no say in government. The French revolution the people of France decapitated the King and Queen. The communist revolution 1917 in Russia, the people attacked the aristocracy and removed their wealth. Over time they has always been clashes between the wealthy and the poor.
I am not advocating communism or socialism, those economic systems have never worked and make the people poorer. What I am advocating is economic freedom and policies that help the masses. Policies that have no special interest group, no lobbyist influence or other self interest influence. A true policy that helps the people grow and prosper.
I want a system were everyone has a free opportunity to have a quality life for all (rich and poor). In addition, this system must be open to the upward and unfortunately downward mobility. Yes flexibility in both direction is healthy for an economic system. Printing money and devaluing the currency only hurts the vast majority, the middle class and poor. Bailouts for the Wall Street and the rich is not a healthy system.
These bailout only cause the middle and lower class to become poorer and rely on government help thus turning them into serfs. If this happens usually food and life necessities become unaffordable. People will begin to riot and violence will be unleashed. They usually go after the supports of the power elite, the rich and anyone the mob wants. When this happens we all become losers, they are no winners. However, I am optimistic that the violence will end and the people will be heard.
This story has played a million times throughout history. The American revolution when the colonists had no say in government. The French revolution the people of France decapitated the King and Queen. The communist revolution 1917 in Russia, the people attacked the aristocracy and removed their wealth. Over time they has always been clashes between the wealthy and the poor.
I am not advocating communism or socialism, those economic systems have never worked and make the people poorer. What I am advocating is economic freedom and policies that help the masses. Policies that have no special interest group, no lobbyist influence or other self interest influence. A true policy that helps the people grow and prosper.
I want a system were everyone has a free opportunity to have a quality life for all (rich and poor). In addition, this system must be open to the upward and unfortunately downward mobility. Yes flexibility in both direction is healthy for an economic system. Printing money and devaluing the currency only hurts the vast majority, the middle class and poor. Bailouts for the Wall Street and the rich is not a healthy system.
These bailout only cause the middle and lower class to become poorer and rely on government help thus turning them into serfs. If this happens usually food and life necessities become unaffordable. People will begin to riot and violence will be unleashed. They usually go after the supports of the power elite, the rich and anyone the mob wants. When this happens we all become losers, they are no winners. However, I am optimistic that the violence will end and the people will be heard.